Scaling Formula in Excel (6 Practical Examples)

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There are different ways to scale data in Excel. We can present data within a range or based on a scaling factor. In this article, we will show different examples of scaling data with the Excel formula.

Scaling Formula in Excel: 6 Practical Examples

Here, we will scale data based on Excel formulas. We will consider the following dataset for scaling purposes.

1. Scale Using Multiplication Symbol

In this example, we will scale data based on a scaling factor.

📌 Steps:

  • First, we add a new cell named Scaling Factor.
  • Then, insert a number on cell E5 as the scaling factor.

  • Now, look at the formula of cell C5.

Scale formula Using Multiplication Symbol

Here, we use the multiplication symbol to scale based on the scaling factor. We use absolute reference as the scaling factor is fixed.

  • We can also scale up a range with a single click. Look at the formula below.

2. Scaling Formula of One Range with Another Range

In this example, we will scale data based on the scaling factor given in a range.

📌 Steps:

  • Look at the formula on cell D5.
  • Here, we use Range 2 column as the scaling factor for Range 1.

Scaling formula of two Ranges

We do not need to apply the scaling factor for each cell of the Range 1 column separately.

3. Use of PRODUCT Function to Scale Data

In this section, we will use the PRODUCT function to perform scaling. This function multiplies all the numbers given as arguments.

📌 Steps:

  • Look at the following formula of cell C5.

Scaling formula based on PRODUCT Function

Here, we use the absolute reference as the scaling factor is fixed.

4. Change the Sign of the Number After Scaling

We can apply to scale to change the sign of numbers. Like positive to negative or vice-versa.

📌 Steps:

  • First, we modify the scaling factor and convert it to -1.

  • Now, put the formula on cell C5.

Scaling formula to Change the Sign of the Number

We can see the sign of numbers has been changed.

We can also use the following formula without using the cell reference of the scaling factor.


5. Excel Scaling Formula to Scale Data from 0 to 1

In this section, we will not use the scaling factor. We will apply a customized formula to scale data within the Range of 0 to 1. We will apply a formula based on the combination of MAX and MIN functions.

📌 Steps:

  • Look at the formula of cell C5.
  =(B5 - MIN(B:B)) / (MAX(B:B) - MIN(B:B))

Formula to Scaling Data within a range

All the numbers are presented within the Range of 0 to 1. This is also called normalized value.

If want to change the range, we have to multiply the formula using the biggest number of that range. Like if we want to scale numbers in the Range of 0 to 10, then apply the following formula.

  =10*(B5 - MIN(B:B)) / (MAX(B:B) - MIN(B:B))

🔎 Formula Explanation:

  • MIN(B:B)

We want to get the minimum value of Column B.

Result: -35

  • MAX(B:B)

We want to get the maximum value of Column B.

Result: 31

  • B5 – MIN(B:B)

Subtract the minimum value of Column B from B5.

Result: 45

  • MAX(B:B) – MIN(B:B)

Determine the difference between the minimum and maximum value of Column B.

Result: 66

  • (B5 – MIN(B:B)) / (MAX(B:B) – MIN(B:B))

We perform a division operation in this section.

Result: 0.68

6. Calculating Standardized Values in Excel

In this example, we will calculate the standardized value in Excel.

📌 Steps:

  • First, we add two new rows for average value and deviation in the dataset.

The average and deviation are the pre-requirement to calculate the standardized value in Excel.


  • After that, apply the STDEV.S function in cell C12 to calculate the standard deviation.

  • Finally, put the following formula based on the STANDARDIZE function on cell C5.

Calculate standardize formula

We get the standardized value after applying the formula. We used absolute reference as the average and mean values are fixed.

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In this article, we described 6 examples of scaling formula in Excel. We also showed the normalized and standardized values using formulas in Excel. For any further queries, comment below.

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

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