How to Use TEXTJOIN Function in Excel (7 Suitable Examples)

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In this article, we will learn to use the TEXTJOIN function of Excel. We will also explore various examples of using the TEXTJOIN function in different scenarios. TEXTJOIN is one of the most important and widely used functions in Excel that has been available since Excel 2019. Using this function, you can easily concatenate specific cells. Here, we will show you how you can use this TEXTJOIN function in Excel effectively with appropriate illustrations.

Introduction to TEXTJOIN Function in Excel


  • Concatenates a list or range of text strings into a single string using a delimiter.
  • Can include both empty cells and non-empty cells.
  • Available from Excel 2019.


The syntax of the TEXTJOIN functions is:


Arguments Explanation

Arguments Required/Optional Explanation
delimiter Required The delimiter by which the concatenated texts will be separated.
ignore_empty Required Tells whether to ignore the empty cells in the range or not.
text1 Required The first text string to be joined.
[text2] Optional The second text string is to be joined.
  • You can use a maximum number of 252 texts to join, like text1, text2, …, etc. up to text252.
  • The text1, text2, …, etc arguments can be numbers also. Not necessary that they must be strings. The TEXTJOIN function can join numbers too.

Return Value

Returns a text string by joining all the given texts separated by the delimiter.

How to Use TEXTJOIN Function in Excel: 7 Suitable Examples

Consider the following dataset. Let’s use this dataset to demonstrate what actions to take while using the TEXTJOIN function. We will concatenate specific cells, merge a range of cells using the TEXTJOIN function, and nest the TEXTJOIN and FILTER functions as well in Excel. Here’s an overview of the dataset for today’s task.

excel textjoin function

Example 1: Concatenate Specific Cells Using TEXTJOIN Function in Excel

Here we have a data set with the IDs, Names, and Email IDs of some employees of a company named Marco Group. We can use the TEXTJOIN function to merge all information about each employee into a single text value separated by commas(,). Let’s follow the instructions below to learn!

  • First of all, type the following formula in cell E5 for the first employee.
  • Where, “, “ is the delimiter, TRUE is the ignore_empty, B5, C5, and D5 is the text 1, text2, and text 3 respectively of the TEXTJOIN function.
  • Hence, simply press Enter on your keyboard. As a result, you will be able to concatenate specific cells which is the return of the TEXTJOIN function. The return is 101, Frank Orwell, [email protected].

Concatenate Specific Cells Using TEXTJOIN Function in Excel

  • Further, AutoFill the TEXTJOIN function to the rest of the cells in the column.
  • As you can see, we have merged all information of each into single cells using the TEXTJOIN function.

  • We have used numbers (Employee ID) as well as strings (Name and Email ID) inside the TEXTJOIN function.
  • The TEXTJOIN function can join both numbers and strings.

Example 2: Joining Cells With Different Delimiters

  • Apply the following formula in cell E5 to join cells with different delimiters >> press ENTER >> drag the Fill Handle up to cell E9.
=TEXTJOIN({", "," : "},TRUE,B5:D5)

Here, {“, “,” : “} are the set of delimiters we will use, and B5:D5 is the range of cells to join.

As a result, you will have the selected cells joined by two delimiters as shown in the image below.

Joining Cells With Different Delimiters

Example 3: Merge a Range of Values by Applying TEXTJOIN Function in Excel

You can use the TEXTJOIN function in Excel to merge a range of values into a single cell. In the above data set, you can use the TEXTJOIN function to merge the names of the first five employees using this formula. Let’s follow the instructions below to learn!

  • Insert the below formula in cell E5.
  • After that, press Enter on your keyboard to get the return of the TEXTJOIN function. The return is Frank Orwell, Natalia Austin, Jennifer Marlo, Richard King, and Alfred Moyes.

Merge a Range of Values by Applying TEXTJOIN Function in Excel

Example 4: Joining Texts and Dates Using TEXTJOIN Function

  • Use the formula given below in cell E5 to join the texts and dates together >> hit ENTER >> drag the Fill Handle up to cell E9.
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,C5,TEXT(D5, "m/d/yyyy"))
  • Consequently, the texts and dates will be concatenated as demonstrated in the following image.

Joining Texts and Dates Using TEXTJOIN Function

Formula Breakdown

  • TEXT(D5, “m/d/yyyy”) → Here, the TEXT function is used to convert the numerical date value to date format.
    • D5 → It is the value argument.
    • “m/d/yyyy” → This refers to the format_text argument.
    • Output “1/1/2023”.
  • TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,C5,TEXT(D5, “m/d/yyyy”))TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,C5,”1/1/2023”)
    • “, “ → It is the delimiter argument.
    • TRUE → This represents the ignore_empty argument.
    • C5 → It refers to the text1 argument.
    • “1/1/2023” →  This indicates the [text2] argument.
    • Output  Frank Orwell, 1/1/2023.
If you don’t use the TEXT function for matching the source formatting, dates will be added as numbers beside the text like this “Frank Orwell, 44927”.

Example 5: Concatenating Texts with Line Breaks

  • Use the following formula in cell E5 >> press ENTER >> drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula for the remaining cells.

Here, the CHAR function is used to give a line break between two texts, and C5:D5 denotes the range of cells to concatenate.

Concatenating Texts with Line Breaks

If you want to see the output in multiple lines, make sure to enable the Wrap Text option. Otherwise, the output will be shown in a single line.

Example 6: Using TEXTJOIN Function with Criteria

  • Apply the formula given below in cell E5 >> hit ENTER >> use the Fill Handle to copy the formula for the remaining cells.
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF(B5<130,B5,""),IF(B5<130,C5,""))
  • As a result, you have the concatenated Employee Name, and Employee ID where the Employee ID is less than 130.

Using TEXTJOIN Function with Criteria

Formula Breakdown

  • IF(B5<130,B5,””)The IF function checks whether the Employee ID is less than 130 or not.
    • B5<130 → This is the logical_test argument.
    • B5 → It refers to the [value_if_true] argument.
    • “” → This indicates the [value_if_false] argument.
    • Output 101.
  • IF(B5<130,C5,””) → This IF function also checks for the same condition as the previous one.
    • Output “Frank Orwell”.
  • TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,IF(B5<130,B5,””),IF(B5<130,C5,””)) → TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,101,”Frank Orwell”)
    • Output 101, Frank Orwell.

Example 7: Combine Texts with Multiple Criteria by Nesting TEXTJOIN and FILTER Functions

We can use the TEXTJOIN function with another Excel function to merge the result returned by that function into a single cell. This is mostly used with the FILTER function of Excel, as FILTER is a widely used function in Excel that returns an array.

Here we have a new data set with the Years, Host Countries, Champions, and Runners-ups of the FIFA World Cup from 1930 to 2018.

Our objective is to use the TEXTJOIN function and the FILTER function to return the years in which Brazil became the champion, in a single cell. Let’s follow the instructions below to learn!

  • First, write the following formula in cell G5 to merge the years in a single cell, separated by commas(,).
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER(B5:B25,D5:D25="Brazil"))
  • As a result, you can be able to use the TEXTJOIN function with any array formula by hitting Enter to merge the result into a single cell.

Combine Texts with Multiple Criteria by Nesting TEXTJOIN and FILTER Functions

Formula Breakdown

  • FILTER(B5:B25,D5:D25=”Brazil”) will return an array of the years in which Brazil became the champion.
  • After that, TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,FILTER(B5:B25,D5:D25=”Brazil”)) will concatenate the years in which Brazil became the champion in one cell.

Reasons Behind TEXTJOIN Function Not Working in Excel

Errors When They Show
#VALUE! Shows when any argument in the function is missing, or any argument is of the wrong data type.
#NAME! While using the older version (before Excel 2019) which is not capable of the TEXTJOIN function.
#NULL! This happens when we fail to separate the strings that we want to join with a comma.

Things to Remember

  • Using the TEXTJOIN function, you can join up to 252 text arguments.
  • TEXTJOIN function is available in Excel from Excel 2019. So, if you are using an older version of Excel then you need to use alternatives to the TEXTJOIN function like the CONCATENATE function.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between the CONACTENATE function and the TEXTJOIN function?

Ans: The TEXJOIN function allows you to define any delimiter you want which can’t be done by the CONCATENATE function. Additionally, it is possible to ignore any empty cell from the resulting string while using the TEXTJOIN function. But the CONCATENATE function can’t do that.

2. What are some alternatives to the TEXTJOIN function?

Ans: As an alternative, you can concatenate text using the CONCATENATE function. You can also use the & operator to join texts. But these alternatives are not as efficient as the TEXTJOIN function.

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We have come to the end of the article. In this article, we have tried to demonstrate the working mechanism and various use cases of the TEXTJOIN function. We hope that you will find this article helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments section.

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Rifat Hassan
Rifat Hassan

Rifat Hassan, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for almost 2 years. Within these 2 years, he has written over 250 articles. He has also conducted a few Boot Camp sessions on effective coding, especially Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Currently, he is working as a Software Developer to develop and deploy additional add-ins to enhance the customers with a more sophisticated experience with Microsoft Office Suits,... Read Full Bio

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